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Algobizz Berhad Holds Successful 2024 Annual General Meeting

Algobizz Berhad successfully held its 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) last Wednesday, receiving high recognition and encouragement from all shareholders, who expressed strong confidence in Algobizz's performance and future development.

Despite challenges over the past year, the Algobizz team stayed focused on executing company strategies, overcoming obstacles, and achieving the set goals.

First, we are thrilled to announce that , our cloud tax software in Indonesia, was officially launched in July 2024. The team has boosted brand awareness through social media, and our mascots, Andi and Lani, made their debut at the AGM, adding fresh energy to the brand!

The Indonesian government plans to fully implement WebAPI technology for e-Filing next year. will seamlessly integrate with the new government portal, leveraging Algobizz’s expertise from similar integrations in Malaysia since 2019. Andalan is poised to be the first in Indonesia to offer this advanced e-Filing feature, giving us a significant advantage in capturing market share.

Second, in Malaysian market, we have surpassed 1,000 tax professionals subscribing to our solutions.

Third, we have been awarded "Malaysia Digital" (MD) status and will help SMEs apply for MD status.

Fourth, with the upcoming implementation of the Malaysia Income Tax Reporting System (MITRS) and the launch of our Monthly Tax Computation Report tool, we expect to boost revenue and support SMEs in adapting to the e-Invoicing era.

Several strategic plans are also in progress, paving the way for Algobizz's future IPO and bringing more exciting news.

Algobizz Berhad 2024年度股东大会于上周三成功召开,获得全体股东的高度认可与鼓励,大家对公司的成绩单及未来发展充满信心。


一、我们非常高兴地宣布,印尼税云软件 已于2024年7月正式面市。Andalan团队通过社交媒体及自媒体广泛提升品牌知名度,Andi和Lani两位吉祥物的亮相为品牌注入全新活力,并在此次股东大会首次亮相!

印尼政府计划在明年全面推行WebAPI技术实现电子报税,届时Andalan将与印尼政府平台实现无缝集成。 的这项技术由Algo提供支持,基于我们自2019年起在马来西亚WebAPI领域积累的成熟经验,我们将成为印尼首家推出这一先进功能的软件,迅速占领市场,赢得市场先机。



四、我们将助力政府推动实施 MITRS (Malaysia Income Tax Reporting System),及推广我们的新产品——月度税务估算报表工具。这不仅将为公司的收入创新高,还将帮助中小企业在电子发票 (e-Invoicing) 时代稳健发展,应对更大的机遇与挑战。




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